Who is our Green Conscious Street Artist?

Street art is an emerging artform and has the power to deliver social messages to the general public.

Over the Easter break some beautiful depictions of sea life have emerged around storm drains, with the message "Don't litter- the sea starts here!." Our artist is conscious of green issues and is delivering a message about plastic in our oceans in a colourful way.

The artist has given us some information on their intentions:

“We’ve all seen it: paper, cans and bottles, plastic wrappers and bags, cigarette butts, and more on the side of the road. Small amounts of litter around our homes and town can contribute to a big water quality problem. Litter clogs storm drains and can cause flooding, which can damage homes and businesses. Litter that does pass through the storm drain or travels down a drainage ditch washes directly into nearby rivers and streams, harming drinking water supplies, wildlife and recreational use of our rivers and streams.”

This art will serve our school for years to come, making Kinsale Community School even more beautiful and reminding staff, students and visitors not to litter.

Diane O shea