Kinsale Community School has a fully qualified Guidance Counsellor who is a full member of the IGC.
Guidance is regarded as a core element of the school's overall programme. The guidance programme seeks to respond to the needs of the students at all stages of their education in the school.
The objectives of the guidance programme are not only framed by reference to the legislative requirements, but are also referenced by the good practices disseminated by the Institute of Guidance Counsellors and the National Centre for Guidance in Education. Guidance in the school is viewed as a continual developmental process which begins prior to the entry of the student into Kinsale Community School and concludes after the student has left the school.
The objectives of guidance include;
To help each student become aware of their talents and abilities and how best to utilise these talents and abilities so as to optimise their engagement with education and to reach their optimum potential
To assist each student in the identification and exploration of various educational and career opportunities open to them in both second level and post second level
To enable students to grow in independence and to take responsibility for their own selves, their learning and their careers
To assist in the provision of information so that students may make informed decisions aware of possible consequences and implications.
The aims of guidance include:
To provide a framework for the delivery of the school's guidance programme
To ensure a structured response is in place to meet the personal, educational, social and career guidance needs of the students
To ensure that all students, junior, senior, adult, non-Irish nationals, those with special needs, are catered for and included in the guidance activities of the school.
To list major guidance activities, initiatives, interactions and strategies such as year plans, schemes of class plans, vocational guidance interviews, educational guidance interviews, attendance at career exhibitions, meetings with management, interactions with support agencies, personal counselling.
Guidance refers to the range of learning experiences provided in a developmental sequence that assists students to make choices - personal and social, educational, and career - about their lives and which enables them to successfully deal with the transitions which result from such choices. A spectrum of activities and services are provided in order to assist students; counselling, assessment, advice, information, educational development programmes, personal and social development programmes, vocational development programmes and referrals.
There are three main areas in which the guidance counsellor exercises his/her role. The three areas are educational counselling, career counselling and personal counselling. Operating in these areas the guidance counsellor works in conjunction with the students, the parents/guardians, the management of the school, and the staff of the school. Whilst the guidance counsellor has the specific training in educational, career and personal counselling, it is only through a collaborative approach that students experiencing difficulties in any of these areas will be given the necessary support and strategies which will allow them to overcome their difficulties and to optimise their learning.
The role of the guidance counsellor is one which is formative, informative and consultative and encompasses helping to direct and develop students' capacity to become self-directed and independent learners, equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed decisions. Such a role is carried out in consultation with the students' parents/guardians and with other members of staff.
The guidance counsellor has a role in informing school management and staff about the operation of the department, in contributing to the development and evaluation of appropriate programmes, in administering psychometric tests and interpreting their results, in managing information, in administering the guidance department and in liaising with appropriate professionals, bodies, and agencies outside of school. The remit of guidance involves three distinct, yet very much interlinked, areas; personal guidance, educational guidance and career guidance.
Personal guidance is a key part of the school guidance programme. It encompasses relatively brief interventions (from once-off meetings, to meetings ranging over approximately six to ten weeks) with students either on an individual or group basis. Such interactions may be part of the developmental learning processes of students but may also result from students' moments of personal crisis. Personal guidance may include personal counselling, educational counselling, career counselling or a combination of these.
Counselling is available on a referral basis. Students are referred by management, staff, parents, or they may self- refer. During and after counselling the guidance counsellor will consult with teachers and other relevant and concerned parties on a regular basis to monitor progress, to discuss how pupils are coping and to plan for further support.
The guidance counsellors are trained regarding the various developmental stages involved in adolescence and about the plethora of concomitant issues which may arise during this phase of development. The guidance counsellors draw upon different theories of counselling and engage in a counselling approach which is best described as eclectic. The exercise of this role is carried out by the following ways;
Publicising to the students and at parents' meetings the role of the guidance counsellor and the counsellor's availability to individual students for consultation at any time, within the framework of guidance hours available
Students and parents are free to request a consultation with the counsellor
The counsellor also initiates consultations with pupils, teachers and parents when particular circumstances arise indicating that a pupil may be in need ofcounselling on a personal issue, which impinges on their school life
The counsellor is consulted by school management and pastoral care personnel on such issues
Every student in fifth and sixth year is afforded the opportunity to meet the guidance counsellor on personal and career related matters. Students in first, second and third year are seen by the guidance counselor on a request or referral basis
Where and when possible small groups of students may be seen together if they have a common interest, for example a number of students wishing to pursue a specific career or course such as nursing.
The issue of career guidance is one which is especially pertinent at senior cycle and the ways in which the guidance counsellor fulfils this role include:
The counsellor delivers class presentations to First Years to assist them choosing their subjects for the Junior Certificate. The guidance counsellor does the same with Fourth Year students prior to them choosing their subjects for the Leaving Cert. Presentations are also made to Third Years on the various options after their Junior Certificate
Presentations are made to parents on the issue of subject choice and options. There is a night for First Year parents, a night for Third Year parents, and a night for Fourth Year parents. A presentation is also delivered to parents of Leaving Cert detailing application post Leaving Cert- (CAO, PLC, grants, accomodation etc)
Fourth year classes receive one Career Guidance class per week
Sixth Year students receive Career Guidance class periodically
Follow up meetings and telephone conversations concerning career issues also take place between the guidance counsellor, students and parents as required
The guidance counsellor advises and assists students on the completion of UCAS applications to the British third level system
Links are sustained with local industries, most notably Eli Lilly, who come in to interview Transition Year students for work experience placements in Eli Lilly. Eli Lilly also sponsor students to attend the summer programme in UL
The guidance counsellor also administers DATS (Differential Aptitude Tests) in TY and helps to administer the CAT (Cognitive Ability Test) to incoming first years
Organises trips out (UCC and CIT TY Open Days, PLC Open Days, organise speakers in to school, organise cohorts of students to attend various career events, eg. Prep for Med Day, Law Experience Day, etc.)
The ways in which the guidance counsellor fulfils this role include:
Liaising with the Principal and Year Heads concerning pupils who require intervention
Offering those pupils who require intervention educational counselling with regard to study techniques, educational planning and personal organisation
Liaising with Year Heads on the delivery of study skills seminars to various student groups
Monitoring and being aware of the delivery of study techniques courses within the Social, Personal and Health Education Curriculum
Providing guidance and information to students and parents at appropriate stages in their progress through meetings
Being available to pupils who have left the school to offer advice after the Leaving Certificate results have been issued, that is at the beginning of the new school year
Liaise with Special Needs and Learning Support departments to identity students requiring further attention.
Useful links This is the website of the Central Applications Office and for those intending to apply to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) the information on the CAO website should be carefully considered. A very useful careers website with a number of resources for students. This is another useful careers website This website outlines how specific applicants to the CAO may avail of the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) or the Disability Access Route to Education (DARE). Both of these schemes are aimed at increasing participation rate in Higher Education. This outlines what financial assistance is available re grants etc. A very comprehensive site, run by FÁS, giving details of numerous occupations This is the website for those who intend to apply to colleges in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
Resource and Learning Support
A person with special educational needs includes any student who is restricted in some way that makes it difficult for him/her to participate in and benefit from education due to his/her physical, sensory, mental health or learning disability or any other condition. The Education for persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004, states that a child with SEN should be educated in an inclusive environment with children who do not have such needs unless the nature or degree of those needs of the child is such that to do so would be inconsistent with the best interest of the child or the effective provision of education for children with whom the child is to be educated.
Kinsale Community School is committed to providing an education to all students but with the support of the Resource and Learning Support Department it enables students with SEN to fulfill their academic, social moral, cultural and physical potential. If you have any queries regarding Resource or Learning Support then please contact Ms Gail Mullaney or Ms Maeve McNamara.
The Resource Department provides the following services;
Resource hours are allocated to the school in keeping with the regulations and guidelines provided by the NCSE (National Council for Special Education) and the Department of Education and Science. Resource-teaching hours are allocated on behalf of individual students with special educational needs in accordance with each student's assessed special educational needs. The core task of the Resource teacher is the teaching of students with SEN, whether this is done one-to-one, in small groups, in special classes or through co-operative teaching with colleagues.
Learning support teacher posts are allocated to post-primary schools at present in accordance with the number of students enrolled. The role of the learning support teacher is to provide additional teaching support to students with low achievement in literacy or mathematics or to those with mild or transient difficulties in such areas as language and motor coordination.
Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) are allocated to post-primary schools to provide care and assistance to named students who have special educational needs. Special needs assistant's posts are allocated currently following application to the SENO and in accordance with circular ppt 01/05 and SNA 12/05. Special needs assistants are recruited specifically to assist schools in providing the necessary non-teaching services to students with assessed educational needs. The allocation of posts to the school is reviewed each year.
Reasonable accommodations in certificate exams. (RACE). Candidates with certain permanent or long term conditions, including visual or hearing difficulties and specific learning difficulties, that they believe will specifically impair their performance in examinations may apply to the State Exams Commission for a reasonable accommodation to be made to facilitate them in taking the examination. The school can assist with the application of this accommodation.
Exemption from the study of Irish: Provision can be made for certain students to be exempted from the study of Irish in limited circumstances. Students in certain categories of disability are eligible for exemption.
EAL Students: Kinsale Community School offers an inclusive environment for students for whom English is a second language. Language support teachers provide additional language support teaching for these students.
Mr Brian Pentony is the chaplain in Kinsale Community School. His role encompasses the following;
To animate the spiritual life of the school community
To support the RE Department of the school
Facilitating the celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the school
Providing individual and group accompaniment, and spiritual guidance
Contributing to the school's Pastoral Care Team
To be a resource and spiritual support to the staff
Providing opportunities for the spiritual welfare of families
Maintaining a close link with the local church communities
Facilitating the provision of retreats for students and also, where feasible, parents and staff
To be concerned with the articulation and implementation of the school's ethos.