KCS, Kinsale

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KCS Alumni Interview with Angharad Lorna Young

 1. Name: Angharad Lorna Young

2. Career Position: Strategic Change Manager

3. Years spent at KCS: 6

4. What were your favourite classes/subjects at KCS: History, English, Physics & Languages

5. Best memories of KCS: Secondary School is a time of mixed emotions for everyone. KCS had some great memories but we suffered tragedies during that time also. I came away with some lasting friendships and KCS certainly helped to shape who I am as a person today. Our trip to Stratford Upon Avon / London was pretty legendary.

6. Tell us about your academic and career path to date: I studied with KCS and repeated my LC at college in Cork as I wasn't happy with the grades in some areas. I studied Social Science as a BSc back in England and an MSc in Political Thought at Durham University. As a career I was awarded a fellowship to innovate a new business, and then have moved into Business Improvement, Strategic Change and Change Management for Public, Third &  Private Sector organisations

7. If you weren't in the job you have, what would you be doing? Another job in the same field. If I wasn't on this career path, I would probably have stayed in the commercial sector as a Senior Manager - but I prefer the opportunity to effect change with greater impact in the areas that I am currently operating in. Putting people at the heart of growth and improvement is the only way we can leave the world in a better place than how we found it.

8. What advice would you give your teenage self? To take more chances and to trust your gut. I thought I needed external approval in order to make something of myself and actually, the only approval you need is your own.

9. Favourite quote or motto: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” - Churchill

10. Who/what has been your biggest influence in education? Two English teachers, one back in Wales, Mr Les Edwards and Mr Tony Cierans from KCS. Tony taught me not to take life too seriously and to always be true to yourself and what you believe in. He was an outstanding teacher and friend. I count myself to be very lucky to have had him as an educator and as an influence in my life.