Oscar Green represents KCS at the Science for Development Showcase

On Wednesday 22nd March, Oscar Green (1A7) represented KCS at the 'Science for Development' showcase with his project 'An investigation into the impact of Kinetic Flooring as a renewable energy source for schools'. Oscar's commitment to this project had previously led him to be highly commended at this year's Young Scientist Competition.

The exhibition, which is run by Self Help Africa in collaboration with Irish Aid, aimed to celebrate projects that could help address challenges affecting poorer countries around the world. The potential of Oscar's work for application in the Global South was recognised by the Team at Self Help Africa and as a result, he was invited to this year's showcase

The event was hosted by Sean Fleming (Minister of State with responsibility for International Development and the Diaspora) at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Iveagh House, Dublin. Thirteen other hand-selected projects, along with teachers and parents, were all in attendance. Oscar and the other students got the opportunity to discuss their projects with representatives from the development, education, science and technology sectors. The Minister himself showed great interest in Oscar's project and praised him in his speech for being the youngest individual at the showcase while encouraging all the students to consider careers in the areas of science and International Development. David Dalton, CEO of Self Help Africa, spoke about the role of his organisation as the link between Science and the provision of Aid and applauded the students on their contribution to this process.

Congratulations to Oscar on his well-deserved recognition for an outstanding project. 

Oscar speaking about his project with Young Scientist founder Dr. Tony Scott.

Oscar with Minister of State - Sean Fleming.

Oscar with his kinetic floor tile prototype.

Mary O'Sullivan