Green School Wellbeing Workshop

For the second year running, members of the Green Schools Committee took part in a wellbeing workshop aimed to tackle eco-anxiety. Gary Tyrell began the workshop with a talk about self care, telling students it is okay to say no if you find yourself under too much pressure. He also informed the students that "One of the most important things we can do is talk about positive solutions" and advised them to take small actions, whatever it might be because "we get hope from taking action." A huge thank you to this amazing climate ambassador for his inspirational talk.

The ambassadors were invited to take part in some art therapy, guided by a professional art therapist they used drawing to express how they were feeling and then analysed what their art meant. Students were also taught breathing exercises to help with stress. Using a miro board, young environmental activists from around the country created a gratefulness board and put together some self care tips.

To end the day, they watched videos on the mental health benefits of nature. Thanks to the wellbeing workshop, the students now feel at ease and prepared to handle any demands that arise as they continue their work safeguarding our environment.

By Lilian Gleave

Diane O shea