KCS, Kinsale

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Green Schools Lets Fix Fashion Campaign

Our fifth year pupil Lilian Gleave gave an inspiring speech yesterday to 30 secondary schools as part of the Green Schools, “Let's Fix Fashion" campaign. She talked about the impact and usage time of a garment and our responsibility as consumers in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Lilian ended her speech in a memorable way with her inspiring words '“We can make a change, together we can fix fashion.” Lilian won the Education Sustainable Development Award in the BTYS Competition last year for her project which involved investigating how to incentivise mending clothes instead of discarding them. Lilian has been heavily involved in sustainability across our school community during her years here in KCS.

This year she has continued her sustainability journey, she has become the chairperson of the Green Schools Committee within the school and no doubt, will continue to make a major positive impact on our school community.