Young Social Innovators

Young Social Innovators (YSI) is a non-profit organisation that empowers young people to use their talents, insights, passion and creativity to come up with innovative solutions to social challenges. Through fun and engaging programmes, students are supported to create team-based action-projects on issues they care about, putting their innovative ideas into action to bring about positive social change for the benefit of people, communities and the environment.

This year, the TY students of KSC have entered two projects.  One group have entitled their project ‘Fast and Furious Fashion’.  They endeavour to explore the impact of Fast Fashion nationally and globally.  This group have big plans in relation to this project, namely a fashion show to be held next year using only sustainable clothing and an awareness campaign for the community of Kinsale and beyond that will encourage people to think before they spend. 

The second group are examining the correlation between substance abuse and incarceration of young people.  This is a demanding project as it will involve the students creating innovative solutions to a serious social problem.  Already the students involved have organized an talk to be held in January as a starting point for further plans.

The students involved are:

Fast and Furious Fashion: Siobhan Queva, Dearbhla Kelly, Gemma Sadler, Lily O’Leary, Mary Clare Murphy and Ellen Crowley

A to P: Frank Sullivan, Joe Fleck and Kallum Good  

Ms Fiona Hedderman

Maria Brosnan