Kinsale 10 Mile Road Race
Kinsale 10 mile Road Race will take place on Sunday Feb 23rd at 12pm - Kinsale Community School
This is a fundraiser for Kinsale Community School, Riverstick Kinsale Athletics Club and Kinsale Triathlon Club. Following on from the success of the race in 2019, this year the number of participants has increased to 1000 runners. This is the biggest running event in Cork this month and involves runners from all over Ireland and some from the UK.
It is a great day out for runners and volunteers and showcases all Kinsale has to offer.
Kinsale 10 mile 2020 organising committee will need help in terms of volunteers to make this a successful event. We have the support of the Gardai, Coast Guard and Red Cross but we also depend on almost 75 to 100 fantastic volunteers to help us out on RACEDAY (Sunday Feb 23rd)
We really would appreciate more volunteers to help marshalling on the race route and also on the school grounds.
If you can spare a few hours on Sunday please phone 0874135796 or email us or just turn up on the day and identify yourself to any of the other marshalls.
It would be greatly appreciated and helps make it a success.
Best wishes from all at the Kinsale 10 mile 2020 organising committee.