KCS, Kinsale

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ESB International Women in Engineering TY Programme Mar 23, 24, 25 - 2 places available

KCS have been offered 2 places for female students to take part in this programme. If you are interested email ty@kinsalecommunityschool.ie before 4pm tomorrow Wed Feb 12th. 

Only  those of you who have a genuine interest in STEM subjects and/ or a career in engineering should apply.

“2020 Women in Engineering – Transition Year Programme

This will be our third year running the Women in Engineering  programme here in the Cork office with great success.

The programme aims at enlightening female transition years about the exciting and expansive career the world of engineering can offer. We aim to show them all the different aspects of engineering in a fun, interactive but most importantly, informative way. Guest speakers, various activities and trips to ESB locations are all included. We believe in the importance of encouraging more females into the engineering field, and have had success, with members of current staff having completed this programme while they were at school. 

This is a free programme based at our Cork Offices (ESB EMP, 6 Eastgate Avenue, Little Island), and is due to take place on the 23rd, 24th & 25th of March. The programme starts at 9.30am, and typically finishes at about 4.30pm. Lunch will also be provided. A full schedule of events will be released upon acceptance of a place on the programme and the return of the consent form. “