Exploring CIT Programme - 18th to 22nd November

We have been given 10 places on the Exploring Technology Programme in Cork Institute of Technology on the week starting w/c 18th November 2019.

During the week students will have a busy schedule, they will be introduced to various courses   offered in CIT, they will be shown around campus to give them a taste of college life. Each week there are 20 TY students on campus 10 from our school and 10 from another school in the Cork city and County area.

 Who should come on the programme? Students that are:

  • Genuinely considering CIT as a possible 3rd level destination

  • Have an interest in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Applied Social Care, Civil, Structural & Environmental, Sports, Chemical & Biopharmaceutical Engineering, Tourism & Hospitality, Sustainable Energy Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Multimedia & Communications, Construction Management, Architecure, E Business & Web Technology, Marketing & Management, Food Workshop, Centre for Craft Studies, Manufacturing, Biomedical & Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Applied Physics & Instrumentation.

 Please email ty@kinsalecommunityschool.ie with a paragraph explaining why you should be one of the 10 students to experience this week at CIT. Closing date Tues Nov 11th. You must be able to make your own transport arrangements to CIT for the week. If there are more students than places then names will be picked from a hat.