CIT Taster of Accounting event Thurs Nov 14th
Any KCS TY students interested in attending this event in CIT should email a short paragraph describing their interest in accountancy to Please be aware that you must find your own transport to and from CIT for this event. There are only 10 places available to KCS.
Department of Accounting and Information Systems.
Are running a "Taster of Accounting" event in CIT for TY students on Thursday 14th November. It will be held in IT3.
A first draft of the schedule for the morning is as follows:
09.30 - 10:00 Registration and Intro TO CR400 (ACCOUNTING) in CIT
10.00 - 10.30 Financial Accounting
10.30 - 11:00 Coffee Break sponsored by EY
11:00 - 12:30 Chartered Accountants Ireland Casestudy
12:30 - 1:00 Routes to qualification
1.00 Lunch (Sponsored by Chartered Accountants Ireland and CIT) (voucher provided)
All of this would be at an appropriate level, but hopefully giving students a taste of what studying accounting in college is like.
We are allocating 10 slots to 12 schools in Cork. If you are interested in sending max 10 TY students, who are interested in studying accounting in college, please let us know asap. We would be delighted to see your students on the day.