Naval Service TY Work experience 12 - 16 Nov 2018 Haulbowline Cork

The Naval Service will conduct a Transition Year scheme from 12 - 16 November 2018. Applications are sought from interested TY students for placement on the forthcoming scheme. It is anticipated that demand will exceed the capacity of the programme. Accordingly, interested students are requested, in their application, to include a brief essay (no more than 500 words) on why they seek a place on this TY scheme with the Naval Service, as opposed to any other placement they might otherwise undertake with industry or elsewhere.

All applications should be made by e-mail to by midnight on Wednesday 10 Oct 2018. Also include your name, the name of your school and the name and contact details of your TY Coordinator with your application.  It is intended to inform all applicants of whether or not they have been successful by Friday 26 Oct 2018, bearing in mind that successful applicants may be removed from the programme and their place re-assigned in the event that Certificates of Insurance as outlined above are not received from their school by Wed 31 Oct 2018.

Email Miss Hay if you require further details.

Niamh Hay