2019 Easter Camp Program for Ireland
The Study in China 2019 Easter Camp Program is a two-week program in Shanghai. It is jointly organised by UCC Confucius Institute, Irish Institute of Chinese Studies (UCC) and Shanghai University and sponsored by the Headquarters of Confucius Institute (Hanban). It provides an opportunity for non-Chinese students in Irish second level schools (mainly Transition Year students) to visit China and to learn its language and culture. The 2019 Easter Camp in Shanghai will be from Friday April 12th to Friday April 26th inclusive.
To view a draft of the proposed Easter Camp Schedule click on the link below;
Students who are interested in representing Kinsale Community School on the camp should email ty@kinsalecommunityschool.ie for an Application Form.
The closing date for applications is October 25th. You must be taking part in Chinese class to apply. Four students will be nominated from Kinsale Community School. In previous years a maximum of two students have been selected by UCC to participate.