‘Greening the School'
The TY Sustainability team got off to a great start in September with a field trip to Saile Community Centre Meadow and Community Orchard to identify pollinators and sample some Spanish Chestnuts. The pollinators that were spotted included several common carder bees, as well as other insects such as ladybirds, shield bugs, crane flies and a grasshopper. The Spanish Chestnuts were sampled but proved to be a bit on the tasteless side! Identifying pollinators and other insects is important so that we can find out if any species are abundant, rare or even endangered.
The next task was to learn how to sow seeds and pot on plants in the Greenhouse. Growing your own food is one of the best things you can learn as it not only provides you with low carbon, organic tasty and healthy food but it gets you in contact with the soil where micro-organisms can help boost your serotonin levels and make you happy! Plenty of leafy greens such as rocket, pak choi, spinach and chard were sown and should be ready to put into the big planters at the end of October.
This is part of the school’s sustainability theme for 2024-25: ‘Greening the School’. Aloe vera, spider plants and some cacti were potted on and when they’re big enough they, and other potted plants, will be moved to classrooms and offices to help increase the ‘greenery’ around the school not only to make it more attractive but also to make it more healthy as house plants improve the air quality by removing carbon dioxide and increasing oxygen levels.