KCS, Kinsale

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Mini Company Future Kinsale Visit

The TY Mini Company class of 2022/2023 are very fortunate to have Future Kinsale assisting them at the beginning of the entrepreneurial life. Future Kinsale is a local organisation which aids people from Kinsale and the surrounding areas in starting up their own business.  

Future Kinsale run a specific start-up programme and have adapted this for the TY Mini Company class. They have been heavily involved since the beginning of the academic year. First the group had an introductory session with local business owners/entrepreneurs in how to first come up with their business idea. This can be one of the more challenging areas and the gang at Future Kinsale really simplified the thought process of this down for the students. 

Adrian from Kinsale Pottery has done great work with the group, coming in regularly checking on the progress they have made and taking time out of his own day to come in and do one-to-one sessions with each mini company. The student found these one-to-one sessions very beneficial as it directed them as to how they should progress.  

The class have had the following workshops with the organisation; brainstorming, market research, team-building and finance. The class have found these sessions to be hugely beneficial for establishing their business.  

Future Kinsale will continue to work with the group into the New Year and prepare them for the upcoming Student Enterprise Programme competition and their annual Summer Fair at the end of the school year.