KCS, Kinsale

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6th Year Career Options fair hosted by the Cork branch of Institute of Guidance Counsellors.

Last week, all 6th year students attended Rochestown Park Hotel for Career Options fair hosted by the Cork branch of Institute of Guidance Counsellors. It is a careers fair where all the options open to students after school attends and students get to explore their options. UCC and MTU host the biggest stands, with lots of staff to answer the many questions students have. Cork College of FET, the Military, plus universities across Ireland and the UK were all there to offer support to students to help them choose their college courses.

This is a great trip to go on early in 6th year to allow students to get to know their full options and then to focus on attending relevant college open days, attend webinars and reduce their options for the CAO which opens 4th November. Students have until 1st February to enter in courses before it freezes. It will open for change of mind in May and June.