TY Sustainability Team

Pictured are some members of the Transition Year Sustainability Team who are led by Mr. Klaus Harvey, and are entering the YEA’s, or the Young Environmentalist Awards.

The team are planting an orchard in the empty green space beneath the new gym, which will have various kinds of apple and nut trees and a native wildlife friendly hedgerow. Some of the trees will be used to grow apples that can be used in Home Economics classrooms, contribute to supporting local pollinators such as bees and other insects, provide food for birds in the winter and also plenty to be eaten by students!

Here they are using a trusty trundle wheel to measure the site. The sustainability team also has an Instagram page, @kcs_orchard and we would encourage you to follow our journey. Our goal is to spread awareness about global issues relating to biodiversity loss and climate change and make a difference in their local community!  

Lauren Hubert (TY Sustainability Team)

Maria Brosnan