Maths Workshop for First Year Parents
During lockdown over 120 first year parents attended an online Maths Workshop in Algebra through our online platform of Teams in Office 365. The aim of this workshop hosted by Ms Aoife O’ Mahony, was to support and inform parents while guiding their child around Maths and their homework.
Maths teaching has evolved in a very positive way in such a short time, with students now taking part in active and student-centred Maths lessons, in the place of rote learning. Parents were made aware of strategies and questions that they may find useful when supporting their child when doing his/her homework. Parents were also given access to resources that they can use at home to help support their child’s learning as it is so important to teachers in KCS that a positive culture is created around homework.
Parents were given the opportunity to experience remote teaching and learning when they took on the role of student and enthusiastically engaged in a Maths lesson online. The topic of Algebra was revised using the methods and best practice the first year teachers were implementing in their classes online and now in person again.
It was lovely to see such a great turnout and to be able to collaborate with parents/guardians around the area of Maths.