Butterfly Garden
The Butterfly Garden is an initiative by Judy Donegan and the students in G04/G05. Located outside the school canteen, the students planted vegetables and flowers. A lovely place to sit and take the sun and as well as a place to enjoy the benefits of gardening. A big thank you to Judy, Eoin, Brendan and the students, for this fabulous space. We are looking forward to eating some of the results come harvest time!
TY Ag Science students have also been busy helping to prepare an area of this garden for sowing pollinator friendly flowers. A few classes were initially spent carrying out the arduous task of picking stones. Some passing teachers (who will remain nameless) were reminded of their childhood days of being sent out to pick stones…. their offer of help failed to materialise unfortunately. After this some farmyard manure was added and dug into the soil. This will help increase the organic matter/humus of the soil and the numerous earthworms in it will also help improve aeration. Following this the seedbed was created by raking the soil. The final and easiest job was scattering the seeds and watering well. We hope that come Summer there will be a blast of colour and plenty food for both the butterflies and the bees in this area of the school campus.