Plastic Free Kinsale Talk

Many thanks to Venezia from Plastic Free Kinsale for delivering an informative and motivating talk on plastic waste to the KCS Green Team today. Thanks to the Transition Year students, Oisin Joyce and Maya Birkner for organising the talk as part of their Young Environmentalist Project called ‘Polluting Plastics’. Venezia also spoke to Ms O’Sullivan’s First Year students about their Young Environmentalist Project, titled “Reduce the plastic, that would be fantastic”. Venezia gave us tips on how to become a Plastic Free Ambassador in our community and how to inspire others to take steps towards becoming more sustainable in everyday life. Venezia made us aware of the amount of plastic we use on a daily basis, from packaging, to our devices and our clothes. She also gave some excellent tips on how to make simple changes on a daily basis, such as using toothpaste tablets as an alternative to using toothpaste out of a plastic tube. We really enjoyed the talk and we are looking forward to putting our knowledge into practice and making a difference.

Diane O shea