KCS, Kinsale

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Art for Wellbeing and Fun

Art can be aesthetic, it can change our environment and elicit emotion. Creating art can help shape our internal world. It is usually a quiet and thoughtful process where you learn to appreciate the little things, the shade of a colour or the flow of a line. It helps us express ideas, think outside the box and to communicate these ideas. Visual language is a part of every human culture throughout history to express and communicate. It is part of who we are.

As we broke up from school to work online our students have continued projects started in school with whatever art materials they had and they have been very creative.

Many took part in our art challenge where they created a picture based on a simple prompt or word from a self-portrait to your favourite musician. These were posted on our Instagram page @artkinsalecs so we had a platform to share. Here is a taste of some of the work submitted.