Concern Debate

This year our Concern Debate team celebrated success as they won three of their League Phase debates. The Concern Debates competition runs for several months and is completed over a number of stages. Every year, more than 100 schools argue their motions in the hope of being the next debating champions.

This year the Kinsale Community School team included Sarah Fitzgerald, Emma Hurley, Anna Peare, Megan Fahy, William Walsh, Evan Daly and Kelly Rentse, as well as students who assisted with time-keeping and catering. The team debated on some of the following topics; ‘Ending World Hunger by 2030 is beyond humanity's reach’ ; ‘Nuclear power is essential for a clean energy future’ ; ‘Volunteering abroad does more harm than good’ ; ‘To achieve real results, SDG campaigners must engage in civil disobedience’. The process includes research and student collaboration and the team work with Mr Bertie Pearse and Ms Maria Kennedy to prepare and practice for debates.

The team have won three out of four debates and had opportunities to engage with other school such as Edmund Rice, Carrigaline, Mount Saint Michael Secondary School, Gaelcholaiste Charraig Ui Leighin and Sacred Heart Secondary School. The team are awaiting the end of the League Phase to see where they place for the next round, but have enjoyed every minute of the experience so far.

Maria Brosnan