KCS, Kinsale

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Féilte Scoile 2018

Féilte Scoile is Kinsale Community School’s unique yearly teaching initiative which pioneers sharing educational practices with each other. Our fourth Féilte Scoile took place on 10th October 2018.

The theme of this year’s Féilte Scoile was how our school is fostering the key skills of the new Junior Cycle.  Eleven staff members led a series of workshops about innovative teaching methods. This year’s workshops included: Strengthening the student voice, digital literacy, wellbeing, Microsoft 365 and Assessment for learning to support the newly introduced classroom based assessments in the Junior Cycle course. 

The student council was represented at the event by Olivia Keohane, Head Girl, and Paul Wills, Head Boy. The principals of local primary schools attended the event, along Sr Rita Twomey, the chairperson of the school’s board of management, as well as members of the Education department of UCC.

This year’s event continues in our schools tradition of supporting teachers to improve their practice in order to enhance the experience of our students.

Leona Forde, Coordinator of Féilte Scoile