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STEPS Engineering Your Future @ Home video series

The STEPS Engineering Your Future Programme (STEPS EYF) is designed to inspire Transition Year students to study engineering.  STEPS EYF is an engineering experience programme that gives Transition Year students a hands-on, fun and practical insight into engineering at third-level and as a career. STEPS EYF is coordinated by the Engineers Ireland STEPS programme and is hosted by third level institutes and industry around Ireland. 

A total of 18 programmes were planned for the period March -May 2020. Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 crisis only 5 of these took place in early March. In total over 1100 students have applied to participate in STEPS EYF for 2020 and the STEPS Team would like to offer a taste of STEPS Engineering Your Future @ Home. 

While it is impossible to recreate the hands-on experience of STEPS EYF completely, we have come up with three video presentations and three challenges aimed at Transition Year students who are interested in a potential career in Engineering. Of course, these videos are open to all students and their families to view. 

Three videos are developed and delivered by Mark Langtry, Physicist and Head of Science and Sport at Explorium. 

The STEPS Engineering Your Future @ Home series comprises three videos

Video 1- “Electrical Engineering- Home Communications Challenge”

Release date Wednesday 6th May 2020

                Challenge deadline date Friday 15th May 2020.

Video 2- “Sports Engineering -The Home Gym”

Release date Monday 11th May 2020

                Challenge deadline date Friday 22th May 2020.

Video 3- “Product design- The Ultimate Alarm Clock”

Release date Wednesday 13th May 2020

                Challenge deadline date Friday 29th May 2020.

Each video will introduce a topic, discuss it and deliver a relevant challenge.

All content will be shared on our website


Videos open to all. Entries only valid from students currently in Transition Year in Ireland. 

All entries for challenges can be sent to steps@engineersireland.ie

Entries can be in any format e.g. video, photograph, drawing, text etc. We will ask all participants if we have their permission to post their entries on social media.

Everyone who sends in an entry by email will receive a certificate of participation. Prizes are wireless speakers or headphones.

Social media hashtags : #STEPS #EngineeringYourFuture @ Home