KCS, Kinsale

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Microsoft Office Specialist Ireland Champion 2023

We're thrilled to announce that Ethan Smyth, a TY student at Kinsale Community School, has won the MOS Ireland Excel Championship 2023. Ethan, along with Grace McCarthy and Thady Saunders, qualified for the MOS Irish Final and competed in the event which was organised by Prodigy Learning and hosted at Microsoft DreamSpace in Dublin on May 10th.

Participating in the Microsoft Office Specialist Ireland Championship is a fantastic opportunity, and we're immensely proud of Ethan, Grace and Thady for their accomplishments. They competed against the best in the country having qualified for the National MOS Final. MOS is the world's largest IT certification program, with over 2.3 million certifications awarded annually, recognised by Microsoft worldwide. It provides a means of assessing student skills and preparing them for real-world applications, validating their proficiency and enhancing their employability. 

Ethan will now represent Ireland in the MOS IE & UK Four Nations Championship in June, where he'll compete against top finalists. The top 3 students will earn a place in the World Championships in Orlando in July. Wishing Ethan Smyth all the Success as he Takes on the MOS IE & UK Four Nations Championship and Beyond.