KCS, Kinsale

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Martial Arts Champions

On Saturday 14th of October, a group of KCS students represented Ireland in an International Kuk Sool Won (Korean martial art) Tournament in Madrid. 

Phoenix Boniwell (2nd year), Sinead Hickey (6th year), Martin Hickey (TY), Malachy O’Daltuin (5th year), Ruairí O’Daltuin (TY) and Connor O’Daltuin (1st year) competed in their respective age/belt groups in different categories: form, techniques, staff spinning, staff forms, sword form, sparring. 

Phoenix has a Jo Kyo Nim (1st degree black belt). Sinead and Martin were promoted in Madrid to Kyo Sa Nim (2nd degree black belt). Malachy and Ruairí compete in the adult division, and they are now Dahn Boh Nim (black-brown belt) and their younger brother Connor is a Hohng Di (red stripe belt). 

In Madrid these students won 4 gold medals, 3 silver medals, 8 bronze medals and 3 copper medals in total. 

The Kuk Sool Won Cork team (represented at the tournament by a delegation of 20 members between adults, teenagers and children) came in 3rd place over 25 participant schools. 

Well done to all our students from Kinsale Community School.