KCS, Kinsale

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The Importance of Work Experience

Over the years the Vocational Preparation Module of LCA has proven to be an extremely important component for preparing our students for continued study or work, after Kinsale Community School. Our sixth year LCA students have had to contend with current restrictions, while still undertaking work experience. We are extremely grateful to the Businesses within the community that have facilitated our students.

There are three blocks of work experience within LCA. One block in 5th year consisting of two weeks and two separate one week blocks in 6th year.  Our students completed work placements in a variety of industries as well as on-line courses to further enhance their learning.

The skills that have been developed by our students from engaging in work placements have benefited them in applying for and being offered college courses. Here is a taste of what 6th year LCA students have achieved thus far:


Krystian – completed a course shadowing in carpentry in CSN and has subsequently been offered a place on the course. He has also been offered a part-time job from his work experience in Centra, Kinsale.

Diana - discovered her passion for dogs and dog grooming from her work experience with Clonakilty Dog Shelter and Marie Walsh’s Dog Grooming. She applied for the Canine Husbandry course in St. John’s and has been successful in securing a place on the much sought-after course.

Meabh - completed an on-line course in Voice Acting as well as a work placement in Super Valu and Apple Green. The online Voice Acting course assisted her greatly in applying for the Drama courses in Kinsale College and CSN, both of which she has been offered a place on.

Thomas - discovered from his work experience that the career he thought he would like, landscaping, was actually not for him. He completed an advanced on-line computer course and applied for the Computer and Business course in St. John’s. He recently received confirmation that he has secured a place on the course.

Charlie – has been offered a summer job from his work experience with Conor McCarthy Textiles. He has also been offered a place on the Outdoor Education course in Kinsale College. He has undertaken on-line courses in Construction to keep his options open. Between his work placements and on-line courses, he has been able to apply for several courses in different fields.

Adam - initially thought he would like a career in the hotel industry, however following his first work placement, decided against this option. He subsequently completed his next two work experiences with a dairy farmer and a pig farmer. He has applied for and been accepted to Darra College next year.

Alexander - used his work experiences to determine if he really wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and to fully understand what it entails to be a greens keeper. He has applied for the Greenkeeping Management course in CSN.

Jamie - completed the carpentry course shadowing, along with Krystian in CSN. He also undertook work experience with a carpenter. He has been offered an apprenticeship with a carpenter in Cork, commencing in September. He completed numerous on-line HSA safety courses to help prepare for this apprenticeship and has been offered a summer job in Centra from his second work placement.

Luke - completed his work experience with David Kiely Kitchen’s and due to his hard work and determination, David has offered him an apprenticeship. He will hopefully run his own family business at some stage. 

To say that we are proud of our LCA students and all that they have achieved, is an understatement. These students displayed hard work, initiative, resilience and motivation in all aspects of their work placements. They developed personal and vocational skills, gained knowledge of the workplace and valuable experience that has assisted them in their choice of future career. Well done to all!