Maths Workshop
On the evening of Tuesday October 22nd last, 57 first year parents attended a Maths Workshop in KCS. The aim of this workshop, hosted by two first year Maths teachers, was to support and inform parents when helping their child with their maths homework. Maths teaching has evolved in a very positive way in such a short time, with students now taking part in active and student centred maths lessons, in the place of rote learning. First Year parents were made aware of strategies and questions that they may find useful when supporting their child when doing his/her homework. It is so important to teachers in KCS that a positive culture is created around homework. Parents were given the opportunity to experience classroom life in KCS, when they took on the role of student and enthusiastically engaged in a maths lesson. The topics of Sets, Natural Numbers and Integers were revised using the methods and best practice the first year students are implementing in class. These KCS Parents were star pupils and Aced this workshop.
After receiving such positive feedback, another maths workshop for First Year Parents will be held in the coming term. We look forward to working with you all again.