KCS, Kinsale

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Maths Week at KCS

As Maths Week 2019 draws to a close, KCS was once again a hive of Maths activity. From the 4th Year Maths Table Quiz to the Maths Task Wall and ever popular Treasure Hunt, students put their Maths knowledge to the test.

The G-corridor was the problem solving centre of the school this week. Students were weaving their way from clue to clue, armed with calculators, pens and paper, to complete the Maths Treasure Hunt. A variety of maths skills were put to the test and challenged students of all levels and abilities.

A new addition to Maths week in KCS was the ‘Riddle Room’ which took place in the McCauley Suite on Thursday and Friday. From rearranging matchsticks to getting a paperclip to balance on water, students and teachers too were set to task.